General Information
An array of savings is offered to fulfill every need of our members. All you need to do is speak to your Member Service Representative and choose the one(s) that meet your expectation. Any of our savings products you choose will grow, develop and maximize your investment.
Our Interest rates on savings are very competitive. Earn as high of up to 3 ½ % on your savings per annum.
Saving Options
Ordinary Deposits
This product allows you to save as much as you can afford to save, as often as you are able to set aside a portion of your income. You can maintain this account and just forget that it is there. Your savings will work for you.
Special Deposits
Are you in receipt of a bulk of cash that you have no immediate plans for? Do you want to set it aside for at least a year? It could be a wedding president or a birthday gift or maybe some inheritance. Then this product is just for you. Utilize the Special deposit and earn attractive returns on your money.
Treasure Chest
Our children are the people of tomorrow; as such we have to include them in our plans as we cement our future. Treasure Chest gives our children the opportunity to start saving from a tender age.
Treasure Chest can be accessed by any child whose parents or extended family are members of the Credit Union.
Partner Plan
PWD Partner Plans are available to all our members
How it works
- Must have a minimum share balance of $1,000.00
- Choose from 16, 24, 36 and 48 weeks,
- Start with as low as $500.00
- Members can have several plans running concurrently
- At maturity the sum can be withdrawn or transferred to your ordinary deposit or Share account
Reap the rewards:
Period in weeks Rewards
16 2% of amount saved
24 2.5% of amount saved
36 4% of amount saved
48 4.5% of amount saved
Golden harvest
- All members between the ages of 16-65 are qualified to open a Golden Harvest Savings Plan.
- The plan allows you to maintain savings of equal deposits monthly for a period of five (5) years
- The Golden Harvest is unique. It is designed to fulfill the need of members who are savings toward a particular goal. Tertiary Education, Marriage, Home acquisition, or even for your pension.
- The most unique feature of the Golden Harvest is the insurance component that is tied to this product. The insurance coverage is effective with your first saving deposit.
How the Golden Harvest Works?
- You establish a savings goal
- Decide on the amount you can afford to save on a monthly basis
- Your credit union will cover the insurance component (no cost to you)
- You maintain the savings over the duration of the five (5) years on a monthly basis
- The plan matures; we pay the goal as specified by you.
Also note that your Golden Harvest Savings can be used as collateral for a loan.